Clinics We Offer

In addition to general medical consultations the practice offers a number of clinics and services:
- Gynaecological and Obstetric problems in normal consultations.
- Immunisation clinic
- Maternity services - these include preconception counselling, antenatal and postnatal care for mother and baby by appointment.
- Woman's health services including cervical and breast screening by appointment.
- Well man care: prostate checks and lifestyle assessment and advice by appointment.
- Diabetic care by appointment.
- Diabetic chiropody in Newington Road Clinic
- Asthma care and advice by appointment.
- Blood pressure/heart disease clinic by appointment.
- General health screening, regular physical examinations, blood pressure and cholesterol checks by appointment.
- Childhood vaccination programme -Tuesday and Thursday 12:00 – 13:00
- Seasonal influenza vaccination
- Weight management clinic
- Cryotherapy clinic (treatment of warts, verrucas and other appropriate lesions) - alternate Fridays.
- Minor surgery, Joint injections, Tendon sheet injections
- Counselling with our clinical psychologist - by appointment only.
- Adult and paediatric continence advisory clinics
- Pneumonia vaccination (Pneumovax) clinics
- Phlebotomy - Monday to Friday
- Nursing services including wound care, suture removal, ECGs etc.
- Clinical specialist physiotherapy